Solidarity and Social Cohesion
Solidarity can mean many things - that makes it a beautiful, but also an iridescent sociological term (if I am not mistaken, already Simmel pointed that out...)
in my research, I address two aspects of solidarity. First, we investigate how solidiarty has changed during the Covid-19 pandemic, which is a global societal crisis. Here we ask: Did the pandemic change helping behavior? Who has helped? Who has received help and who was left behind? How did the pandemic individuals' social networks and therefore affect the potentials of both individual and societal resilience and recovery?
Second, in my dissertation, I investigated young adults' intergenerational relationships in Switzerland. Marc Szydlik was my supervisor. My research was mainly based on data from the TREE study. The results can be found in three articles and a book. Currently, I am working together with Christian Imdorf and Nadine Dörffer (University of Hanover) on Gender and Education, as well as Regional Policies as Determinants of Leaving the Parental Home.
Bertogg, Ariane, Sebastian Koos. "Socio-economic position and local solidarity in times of crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic and the emergence of informal helping arrangements in Germany". Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 74(August 2021).
Bertogg, Ariane. 2018. Regional Chances, Regional Constraints? Transition to Adulthood and Intergenerational Ties in Regional Context. Emerging Adulthood, online first. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/2167696818797529
Ariane Bertogg. 2017. Zwischen Autonomie und Verbundenheit. Junge Erwachsene und ihre Eltern, Wiesbaden: Springer VS. https://www.springer.com/de/book/9783658195519
Bertogg, Ariane and Marc Szydlik. 2016. The Closeness of Young Adults' Relationships with Their Parents. Swiss Journal of Sociology 42(1): 41-59. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/sjs-2016-0003
Ariane Bertogg. 2016. Trennung und die Beziehung zum Vater. In: Lessenich, Stephan (ed.): Verhandlungen des 38. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, 12 pages.