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Social Integration and Well-Being

Does parenthood influence life satisfaction? Is there a gender divide in the "parental happiness gap"? How has the influence of parenthood on life satisfaction changed over time, and how is such change related to changing gendered parenthood norms? Together with Klaus Preisner and Julia Schaub from the University of Zurich, and with Franz Neuberger at the German Youth Institute in Munich, we were able to show how the maternal happiness gap has diminished and that this can be explained with changing normative expectations towards mothers and fathers.

​Is living in a partnership an asset for maintaining cognitive health in age? How do partnership transitions affect memory and verbal fluency of elderly Europeans? Do men and women benefit to the same degree of living in a partnership? Through which mechanisms is the benefit of living in a partnership mediated: healthy lifestyle, social support or financial resources? And does the benefit vary between social contexts? Can more developed states buffer for not living in a partnership? Together with Anja Leist from the University of Luxembourg, I explore these questions based on SHARE data.

What were the social consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing containment measures? At the University of Konstanz, the Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality" started a comprehensive surveys program on COVID-19 and social inequalities. I was lucky to be involved in the design of some of the modules on solidarity and social network change in these surveys (so far: two surveys with three survey waves each). A number of publications are in the pipepline, but we already published some first reports on the topic and two articles!


Bertogg, Ariane, Sebastian Koos. "Socio-economic position and local solidarity in times of crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic and the emergence of informal helping arrangements in Germany". Research in  Social Stratification and Mobility, 74(August 2021).

Bertogg, Ariane, Nevena Kulic, Susanne Strauss. "Protected through Part-time Employment? Labor Market Status, Domestic Responsibilities, and the Life Satisfaction of German Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic Pandemic". Social Politics, online first


Bertogg, Ariane, Anja Leist. “Partnership and Cognitive Aging in Europe: Mediating Factors and Social Stratification”. Journal of Gerontology, Series B: Social Sciences, 76(6), 1173–1185.


Klaus Preisner, Franz Neuberger, Ariane Bertogg, Julia Schaub. “Closing the Happiness Gap. The Decline of Gendered Parenthood Norms and the Increase in Parental Life Satisfaction”. Gender & Society, 34(1): 31-55.

Busemeyer, Marius, Diehl, Claudia, Wöhler, Thomas, Bertogg, Ariane, Strauss, Susanne, Kulic, Nevena, and Wolter, Felix. Die Pandemie trifft nicht alle gleich. Policy Paper über strukturelle Ungleichheit und politisches Vertrauen in der Coronakrise. The Cluster of Excellence „The Politics of Inequality”. Policy Paper

Bertogg, Ariane. Strauß, Susanne. “Geschlechterungleichheiten in Zeiten von Corona. Auswirkungen der Pandemie auf Hausarbeit, Kinderbetreuung und Lebenszufriedenheit” (Gender inequalities in times of Corona. Consequences of the pandemic for housework, childcare and life satisfaction). In_equality (Magazin des Exzellenzclusters “The Politics of Inequality”)

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