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Vontobel Preis für Alternsforschung 2024 (Vontobel Prize for Aging Research)




Member in new international research project on sustainable hiring in health professions

I joined the MORE project (Megastudy On REcruitment) which is hosted by Aarhus University. Thank you Christian Bøtcher Jacobsen, Florian Keppeler and Diana Galos for getting me onboard this exciting project!

Working Paper on short- and longer-term changes in childcare and housework during COVID-19

As being a member and PI of the CoPE Research Project for the last three years, I have had the pleasure to visit Dr. Johanna Lammi-Taskula several times at the THL in Helsinki, Finland. I will miss the great workplace, the view on the small like and the superb canteen at THL!Together with Prof. Minna van Gerven, we wrote a working paper investigating the scope and patterns in couples' division of unpaid domestic work during the pandemic situaiton in Finland.

I am delighted that this collaborative research effort is now published as part of the THL Working Paper Series

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ESHMS Excellence Prize

I have the honour of being the first winner of the European Society of Health and Medical Sociology's (ESHMS) Excellence Prize. 

Here is a picture from the ceremony, taking place during the closing ceremony of the ESHMS annual conference in Antwerp.


I also had the honour of giving a short interview (Link to interview)


2024 is my lucky year! I have the honour of being one of three recipients of the Vontobel Preis für Alternsforschung, which has been awarded to promising young scholars in gerontology since 2000!

If you click on the image, you'll find the link to the list of all priceholders, my article and my presentation (in Germany only)

Research Visit - Jan-Feb 2025

I am super happy to announce that I received two stipends by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and Arts to combine two research visits to NCSU Raleigh and UMass Boston.


In North Carolina, I will be hosted by Prof. Dr. Anna Manzoni at CHASS. In Boston, I will be hosted by Prof. Dr. Jeffrey Stokes at one of the world's oldest Gerontology departments.


I will be giving talks and workshops for undergraduate and graduate students. Find here my slides which contain useful resources.

Start: Welcome
Start: About me

About Me

When I grew up, I was naturally fascinated by people's behaviours and how they sometimes misaligned with their preferences or resolutions. I have always been passionate about equity and fairness, not only in terms of global social (dis)advantage, but also how we treat animals and our planet. At the same time, I always loved writing, being creative, and solving abstract puzzles using analytical thinking. So, becoming a sociologist came naturally to me.


After receiving my PhD in Sociology at the University of Zurich (Switzerland) in 2017, I joined the Sociology Group at the University of Konstanz (Germany). In 2020, I a was awarded the Zukunftskolleg Postdoctoral Fellowship. In the academic year 2022/2023, I served as an interim professor at the Department of Sociology at LMU Munich. Currently, I am a Co-PI in the project "Covid-19 Policies for Gender Equality (CoPE)" at the Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality". Starting in 2025, I will be a research group leader in a project on Social Inequalities in Ageing Societies (SocIAS). Here you find my full CV.

My research interests broadly center around the topics of Life Course, Health, Inequality and Welfare States. To find out more, please visit the site with my research projects or get in touch.

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Picture credit: Patricia Bertogg (2024)

Research Interests and Projects

Below you find an overview of my research interests and topics of expertise. Click on each picture to find a short summary of my research, and the bibliography of my publications within this field of research.

I also represent these topics in teaching.

Start: Project


Journal Articles (peer reviewed)     

Bertogg, Ariane, and Diana Galos. 2024. Double (Dis)Advantage: The Cumulative Role of Parental Resources and the Institutional Context in Intergenerational Time and Money Transfers. Social Forces. Doi:


Bertogg, Ariane, and Christian Imdorf. 2024. Education Systems as Life Course Policies? The Example of Subnational Educational Regimes and Young Adults’ Family Transitions. Journal of Social Policy Research. Doi:

Bellani, Luna, Ariane Bertogg, Nevena Kulic, and Susanne Strauss. 2024. Does raising awareness about inequality decrease support for school closures? An information treatment survey experiment during the COVID-19 pandemic. Genus 80, 7 (2024).


Bertogg, Ariane, Anja K. Leist. 2023. Gendered life courses and cognitive functioning in later life: the role of context-specific gender norms and lifetime employment. European Journal of Ageing, online first: 10.1007/s10433-023-00751-4

Ariane Bertogg, Jason Settels. 2023. Dependent on one’s past? how lifetime employment shapes later life work-care reconciliation, Community, Work & Family, DOI: 10.1080/13668803.2023.2229002


Bertogg, Ariane. 2023. "Needs or Obligations? Childcare Policies, Family Norms, and Grandparents’ Labour Market Participation". Journal of European Social Policy, 23(1):


Bertogg, Ariane, Sebastian Koos. 2022. "The Making and Breaking of Social Ties During the Pandemic. Socio-Economic Position, Demographic Characteristics, and Changes in Social Networks". Frontiers in Sociology, doi:


Bertogg, Ariane, Sebastian Koos. 2022. "Who receives social support during the Covid-19 pandemic: Life course and pandemic-specific risks and social networks". Social Indicators Research, doi:

Bertogg, Ariane, Kulic, Nevena, Strauß, Susanne. 2021. "Protected through part-time work? Employment, domestic responsibilities, and changes in life satisfaction of women during the COVID-19 pandemic". Social Politics, doi:

Bertogg, Ariane, Anja Leist. 2021. “Partnership and Cognitive Aging in Europe: Mediating Factors and Social Stratification”. Journal of Gerontology Series B: Social Sciences, 76(6), 1173–1185.

Bertogg, Ariane, Sebastian Koos. 2021. “Social inequality and local solidarity in times of crises. The Covid-19 Pandemic and the emergence of informal helping arrangements in Germany”. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 74 (August 2021), 1-15


Ariane Bertogg, Susanne Strauss, Leen Vandecasteele. 2021. “Linked lives, linked retirement? Relative income differences within couples and gendered retirement decisions in Europe”. Advances in Life Course Research, 47 (March 2021), 1-11.


Ariane Bertogg, Tiziana Nazio, Susanne Strauss. 2020. “Work–family balance in the second half of life: Caregivers' decisions regarding retirement and working time reduction in Europe”. Social Policy and Administration, 55(3): 485-500.


Ariane Bertogg, Christian Imdorf, Christer Hyggen, Dimitrios Parsanoglou, Rumiana Stoilova. 2020. “Early job insecurity and gender discrimination in the hiring for skilled mechanics and IT workers. A factorial survey experiment with recruiters in Bulgaria, Greece, Norway and Switzerland“. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 72: 261–289.


Klaus Preisner, Franz Neuberger, Ariane Bertogg, Julia Schaub. 2020. “Closing the Happiness Gap. The Decline of Gendered Parenthood Norms and the Increase in Parental Life Satisfaction”. Gender & Society, 34(1): 31-55.


Bertogg, Ariane, Susanne Strauss. 2019. “Spousal Caregiving Arrangements in Europe. The role of Gender, Socio-Economic Status and the Welfare State”. Ageing & Society, 40(4): 735-758.


Bertogg, Ariane. 2018. “Regional Chances, Regional Constraints? Young Adults’ Transitions and Intergenerational Ties in Regional Context”. Emerging Adulthood, 8(2): 159-167.

Bertogg, Ariane, Marc Szydlik. 2016. "The Closeness of Young Adults’ Relationships with their Parents”, Swiss Journal of Sociology, 42(1): 41-59.


Contribution in Volumes, Non-Peer-Reviewed Articles, Book Reviews                   

Bertogg, Ariane. 2017.  “Emanuela Chiapparini: The Service User as a Partner in Social Work Projects and Education. Concepts and Evaluations of Courses with a Gap-Mending Approach in Europe“, Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation, 37(1): 95-97. (book review)

Bertogg, Ariane. 2017. „Trennung und die Beziehung zum Vater“. In: Geschlossene Gesellschaften. Verhandlungen des 38. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (Ed.: Stephan Lessenich), 12 pages. (contribution in volume)


Bertogg, Ariane. 2017. Zwischen Autonomie und Verbundenheit. Junge Erwachsene und ihre Eltern. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 200 pages. (monograph)


Research Reports and Public Outreach

Busemeyer, Marius, Diehl, Claudia, Wöhler, Thomas, Bertogg, Ariane, Strauss, Susanne, Kulic, Nevena, and Wolter, Felix. 2021. "Die Pandemie trifft nicht alle gleich. Policy Paper über strukturelle Ungleichheit und politisches Vertrauen in der Coronakrise". The Cluster of Excellence „The Politics of Inequality”. Policy Paper

Bertogg, Ariane. Strauß, Susanne. 2021. “Geschlechterungleichheiten in Zeiten von Corona. Auswirkungen der Pandemie auf Hausarbeit, Kinderbetreuung und Lebenszufriedenheit” (Gender inequalities in times of Corona. Consequences of the pandemic for housework, childcare and life satisfaction). In_equality (Magazin des Exzellenzclusters “The Politics of Inequality”)

Sebastian Koos, Ariane Bertogg. 2020. „Lokale Solidarität während der Corona-Krise: Wer gibt und wer erhält informelle Hilfe in Deutschland?“ (Local solidarity during the Corona crisis: Who gives and who receives informal help in Germany?), Research Report

Ariane Bertogg, Tiziana Nazio, Susanne Strauss. 2019. “Work-Family Balance in the Second Half of Life”. Population Europe, Digest


Ariane Bertogg, Thomas Hinz, Judith Kunz. 2019. „KONSTANZER BÜRGERBEFRAGUNG 2018. Einschätzungen zur Digitalisierung, Rückschau auf das Konziljubiläum und die Nutzung der Strandbäder in Konstanz“ (Annual Report). Statistik Bericht 3/2019. Research Report (open access)

Ariane Bertogg. 2019.  „Wohnortwahl beim Arbeitsmarkteintritt. Eine Befragung unter Studierenden in der Bodenseeregion“ (Choice of Place of Residence at the Transition to the Labour Markt: A Survey among Students in the Lake Constance Region). DenkRaumBodensee, Research Report

Bertogg, Ariane, Susanne Strauss. 2019. “Spousal Caregiving Arrangements in Europe”. The SHARE Blog

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Start: Teaching


Fall Term 2024. Life Course and Generations. Lecture. MA Sociology. University of Zurich.

Fall Term 2024. „Challenges in Ageing Societies“. Seminar. BA Sociology. University of Zurich.

Spring term 2024: From the Cradle to the Grave. Inequalities across the Life Course. Applied Methods Seminar: Longitudinal Data Analysis. MA Sociology of Inequality. Universtiy of Konstanz.

Spring term 2023: „Challenges in Ageing Socities“. Seminar, MA Sociology. LMU Munich.

Spring term 2023: Forever Young? Life Course Theories“. Seminar, BA Sociology. LMU Munich.

Spring term 2023: Thesis Colloquium, MA Sociology. LMU Munich.

Spring term 2023: „Challenges in Ageing Societies“. Lecture, BA Sociology. LMU Munich.

Winter term 2022/23: „Inequality and the Welfare State“. Seminar, MA Sociology. LMU Munich.

Winter term 2022/23: Global Societies: Inequalitities, Conflicts, Cohesion“. Research Colloquium, MA Sociology. LMU Munich.

Winter term 2022/23: „Post-Covid Societies“. Lecture MA Sociology. LMU Munich.

Fall term 2022: Class and Gender Inequalities in a Comparative Perspective“. Seminar, BA/MA, University of Zurich

Spring term 2020: Begleitseminar zur Vorlesung: Grundbegriffe der Soziologie“. 2 seminars, Bachelor, 6 ECTS, University of Luzern

Winter term 2019: Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie. Seminar, Bachelor, 3/6 ECTS, University of Konstanz (co-teaching)

Winter term 2018: „Berufliche Unsicherheiten beim Arbeitsmarkteinstieg“. Student Research Seminar, Bachelor, University of Konstanz

Fall term 2017: „Statistik II“. Lecture, Bachelor, Universität Zürich (co-teaching) / „Science & Fiction“. Literature course, Bachelor, University of Zurich (co-teaching)

Spring term 2017: „Solidarität“. Seminar, 4 ECTS, Universität Zürich

Spring term  2016: „Lost in Transition. Erwachsenwerden als „ewigec Hürde?“. Seminar, Bachelor, 4 ECTS, Universität Zürich

Fall term 2015: „Rollentheorien: Gender and more“. Seminar, 4 ECTS, Universität Zürich

Fall term 2014: „Die soziale Wahrnehmung von Risiken und Katastrophen“. Seminar, 4 ECTS, Universität Zürich

Sprin term 2013: Student Teaching Assistant/Tutor „Proseminar zur soziologischen Forschung“ (Prof. Dr. Katja Rost), Universität Zürich


Supervision of theses

Moreover, I have successfully supervised several Bachelor and Master theses at the Universities of Konstanz and Zurich, with the following topics: Job Choice Motives of Teachers, Generation and Identity among Italian Migrants of the First and Second Generation in Switzerland, Migration and Early Career Success, Labour Market Discrimination, Life Satisfaction in Old Age.

Higher Education Didactics Certificate

From 2015 until 2017, I attended postgraduate education and attained a Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Higher Education Didactics (12 ECTS), which I finished successfully with a research paper on SoTL and a teaching portfolio.


This section is experimental. I am planning to link to interesting projects, websites, media and more that are not directly related to my work, but thatI have somehow found inspiring and that I would like to share. More links will be added.

My favourite format to learn new stuff (almost) every day: Freakonomics Radio

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Get in touch

Dr. Ariane Bertogg

University of Konstanz

Department of Sociology &


P.O. Box 216

Universitätsstraße 10

DE-78464 Konstanz



ORCID: 0000-0001-9959-618X


©2024 by Ariane Bertogg. Disclaimer: This web site may include links providing direct access to other Internet resources.

I am not responsible for the accuracy or content of information contained on these sites.

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